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Juiced rip

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Age : 34 Registration date : 16.12.08 Jumlah posting : 98 Lokasi : MAJENANG Job/hobbies : browsing Humor :

PostSubyek: Juiced rip   Juiced rip Icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 5:19 pm

Juiced rip 0ulV7haLzO

Juiced rip Cthevn6sPn

Juiced rip CrDvyuSFmo

Juiced (RIP) PC Game Full
Juiced is a video game for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, PC and mobile
phone. The game was delayed for release in 2004 because of its original
publisher Acclaim going bankrupt. The game was then picked up by THQ,
the game was then further delayed as changes were made to the game.
In early 2006, UK software publisher Focus Multimedia re-released the
PC version of Juiced at a new budget price point as part of its
Essential games range.
The game offers many different modes including a career mode and arcade
mode that present the player with challenges which gradually gets
harder. A player can customize the car to suit their style and unlock
new ones (by unlocking in arcade mode). A special feature added was the
use of nitrous as expected since it is similar to other racing games
which have the feature. This can be particularly useful for when the
player is behind an opponent or is behind time, but the AI can also use
the nitrous oxide.
The game system itself highly inspired by the Underground Need for
Speed series itself inspired by the Shutokou Battle series, but the
racing style are realistic, similar to Playstation's Gran Turismo.
Damages are also distinctively visible on Juiced, and must be repaired
before the player can tune up the car.
Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: 933 MHz
Memory: 256 MB
Hard Drive: 2.5 GB Free
Video Memory: 32 MB
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard & Mouse
CD/DVD Rom Drive




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